Fingal County Council says it's alarmed by protests at a building site in Mulhuddart - where campaigners claim social homes are going to non-nationals first.
Workers have had to down tools as a result.
Housing organisation Clúid has been building more than 60 social homes on Church Road in Mulhuddart.
But construction workers have been met with protests from a group called House the Irish First.
Those campaigners claim non-nationals are getting first preference - pushing locals lower down the waiting list.
Margaret Geraghty from the Fingal housing department says everyone is offered a home based on their wait time and need for one;
"Over time a family or individuals move toward the top of the list
"This is the way homes are allocated in Fingal, will continue to be allocated in Fingal and it proves to be the most fair way
"I have to say, I'm alarmed and dismayed at the information this group is putting out on social media that suggests that this is not the case", she told a council meeting this afternoon.
Councillor Kieran Dennison thinks the local authority could cut out the confusion if they had a clearer breakdown of who's on the waiting list.
He claims it has fewer non-nationals than the protestors might think;
"I first asked this question [in] 2010 and the number of non-Irish at that time was 40%
"By 2018, that had dropped to 25%
"So I think people need to realise that the actual numbers on the social housing list that are non-Irish, it's actually quite small", he claimed.