It's feared Dublin's water infrastructure won't be able to keep up with demand.
Uisce Éireann has issued an urgent appeal to Dublin householders.
It's believed the water supply in the Greater Dublin area is approaching 'critically low levels' in some reservoirs.
The group says there's been a large increase in burst water mains and leaks in recent weeks.
It's added that the demand for water last year grew by over 40 million litres in the Greater Dublin Area.
There are fears now that Dublin's water infrastructure won't be able to keep up with demand.
This week over 630 million litres of water was used per day.
Uisce Éireann has issued these tips to help conserve Dublin's water supply:
- Check your home, business premises and unoccupied premises for leaks and get them fixed.
- Report any leaks you see in the public network to Uisce Éireann’s customer care centre at 1800 278 278 or on water.ie, so that we can prioritise repairs.
- Don’t leave taps running and fix any dripping taps inside or outside your property.
- Be mindful of water use in your business and look for opportunities to make savings. This can save businesses money, not only in their water bills but also in their energy costs as heating, pumping water etc. all require additional electricity.
- If you have a suspected leak on your external water supply pipe, consider applying for the First Fix Free Scheme. The scheme offers a free leak investigation and free repair for eligible domestic customers.