The details of Budget 2019 has been announced in the Dáil this afternoon.
A rainy day fund is to be set up with 1.5 billion euro from the Strategic Investment Fund and 500 million from the exchequer.
Finance Minister Pascal Donohue says the budget will prepare the economy for the challenges of Brexit.
There will be a Human Capital Initiative, worth 300 million, as well as a future growth loan scheme for SMEs, Agriculture and goods.
2.3 billion euro is to be spent on the Housing programme.
1.25 billion euro is to be spent to deliver 10,000 new social homes in 2019. There's an extra 121 million for the Housing Assistance Payment, as well as a 60 million euro increase in capital funding to fund emergency accommodation.
While there's 30 million extra for homelessness services.
There's a 100 million euro affordable housing fund to help local authorities deliver affordable housing - increasing to 310 million over three years
It will be eligible to people on 50,000 euro a year for single people or 75,000 euro for couples.
It will knock up to 50,000 euro off the price of a house.
While the Finance Minister has committed that any increase in the Local Property Tax will be moderate and affordable.
A pack of 20 cigarettes is to increase in price by 50 cent.
While the minimum excise on tobacco products is to rise so that all cigarettes sold below 11 euro will have the same excise as more expensive ones.
There's a 5 euro a week increase on all social welfare payments from next March.
While the Christmas bonus for social welfare recipients is to be restored to 100 per cent.
An increase in qualified child payments has been announced.
It includes 2.20 euro per week for under 12s and 5.20 euro per week for over 12s.
While the back to school clothing and footware allowances are going up by 25 euro.
Two extra weeks' parental leave to all parents of a children under one.
90 million extra is to go towards childcare supports to change the bands for the affordable childcare scheme.
There will be 1,300 additional posts in schools in 2019.
The budget also includes a 5 per cent increase in the standard capitation rate per pupil.
950 special needs assistants are to be recruited next year as part of 1.8 billion fund for children with special needs.
There will be an extra 196 million for capital spending in education to create 18,000 new permanent school places, to upgrade ICT and invest 150 million in higher education.
Ireland's corporation tax rate is to remain unchanged at 12.5 per cent.
An extra 84 million euro is to go towards mental health services next year.
The health budget will increase by 1.2 billion giving 100,000 more people free GP cards.
There will also be a 25 euro increase in the weekly income threshold for GP visit cards.
Prescription charges are to drop by 50c to 1.50 euro for medical card holders over 70.
There's 35 million euro for tourism investment, including 4.5 million for regional initiatives like the Wild Atlantic Way and Hidden Heartlands.
The figure also includes 10 million for the development of greenways.
However the tourism VAT rate is to rise to 13.5 per cent from January 2019. It's expected it will raise 466 million euro.
The film corporation tax credit is to be extended to 2024.
The tax on betting is to rise from 1 to 2 per cent.
There will be a 1 per cent surcharge for diesel vehicles across all VRT bands.
The budget for An Garda Síochana is to increase by 60 million euro.
800 new gardaí are to be recruited.
A budget of 994 million euro, a 5% increase in Defence sector spending.
It includes an extra 6 million euro in pay for the Defence Forces (due under the Public Service Stability Agreement).
As well as an additional 10 million in funding for army pensions to meet the retirement benefits of 12,400 ex-Defence Forces members and dependants.
A further 60 million euro is to be spent on the justice sector. It will be spent on asylum seeker accommodation, reforming the Department of Justice and Courts, as well as widening the Magdalene scheme.
126 million euro is to be spent on sport.
41 million will go towards sports projects like clubs and organisations, while the 9 per cent VAT rate for sporting facilities is to be retained.
The entry level for the higher rate of income tax will increase by 750 euro to 35,300 euro.
The third rate of USC is to be cut from 4.75 to 4.5 per cent.
The minimum wage is to be increased to 9.80 per hour.
The Earned Income Credit for self employed people is to increase by 200 euro to 1,350.
The home carer tax credit is to jump by 300 to 1,500.
Increases in new entrant pay, costing 200 million out to 2025.