The Director of Midwifery at Holles Street says there's been an increase in the number of women registering pregnancies with the hospital.
A post lockdown baby boom is on the way with a ten percent increase in births expected at the National Maternity Hospital.
There's been an increase in the number of women registering their pregnancies, which appears to confirm predictions of a post lockdown baby bump.
The Director of Midwifery at Holles Street says they expect a ten percent increase in births at the hospital in January, compared to the same time last year.
Mary Brosnan says it's hard to know if that can be entirely put down to the Covid lockdown.
"It's very much an interesting phenomenon for people predicting," she said.
"Any time there is a big event people kind of predict nine months later, and think will that be related to Covid.
We can see from our bookings for January that we are quite busy. If you compare last January to this January, 2021 coming, it looks like we will certainly be up 10 percent on that month.
"Certainly from March, April we are expecting next January and February to be quite busy."
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