Works are ongoing to repair a major leak to a water mains pipe in Dublin.
Up to one hundred thousand people in the Dublin 2 and Dún Laoghaire Rathdown areas are dealing with disruption to their water supply as a result.
The works have been ongoing since midnight last night and are expected to be completed by this evening.
Regional Operations Manager for Irish Water, John O'Donoghue, says it's a massive operation:
"This is quite a substantial leak that we have on the trunk main coming from Stillorgan going all the way in to the city," he said.
"The pipe itself is down quite a distance, it's two and a half meters to the top of the pipe so it's quite a major operation.
"It's in the middle of a bus lane as well on the outward bound bus lane on the Stillorgan road.
"There's quite a lot of planning involved and disruption in terms of traffic, but obviously we're most conscious of all of the disruption to householders."