President Michael D Higgins says housing in Ireland is no longer a crisis, it's a disaster.
He was speaking at the opening of a centre for homeless young adults in County Kildare.
Latest Government figures show there are more than 10,000 people in homeless accommodation nationally, which doesn't include refugees or asylum seekers.
Michael D Higgins says there needs to be a change of priorities when it comes to housing:
"I often ask myself, you know, how Republican is what we created and isn't it sometimes very much closer to the Poor Law system, we thought we were departing from?," he said.
"That is a real challenge.
"I have taken as well to speaking ever more frankly in relation to housing because I think it is our great, great, great failure.
"It isn't a crisis anymore, it is a disaster and I think we have to really think about meeting the basic needs of people in a Republic, be that food, shelter or education.”
The President added: "Building homes is what is important.
"It is not to be a star performer for the speculative sector internationally."